
The Sea-Life collection features sea-turtles, seahorses and dolphins in deep blue, turquoise and green. Made using our elephant poop fibers (after all … how long and difficult would it seriously be to collect turtle, seahorse or dolphin poop!), the collection includes scratch pads, mini-journals, journals and noteboxes.

Our sustainable gifts and handcrafted paper products are made from poop fibers mixed with seasonally available agricultural waste fibers - such as banana stock, hay, corn husks and others.


on all orders over $50.

The Poop to Paper Process

Find out more about our amazing, tree-free, eco-friendly, odor free (of course), organic, chemical free, hand-crafted, incredible, amazing and unique POOPOOPAPER Read about our POOP to Paper Process.

We want to be part of the solution and not a part of the problem and as a result, at the core of everything we do - is our commitment to both the planet we inhabit and the people on the POOPOOPAPER team. And we'd love for you to read about and understand some of the great initiatives we've supported and the social, business and environmental principals we adhere to which are not just a part of the POOPOOPAPER culture and philospophy - but how we choose to live out lives.

Learn More